Hands-on Activities: Planning a Trip to Funworld
Grade Level K-2
Essential Question How would you prepare to visit another part of the world?
Objective Students apply what they know about biomes to plan a personal wardrobe and accessories to take on a trip to one of four different biomes.
Materials paper dolls (girl or boy), catalogs or magazines, scissors, and glue or tape
Approach Present the students with the following scenario: Your family has won a trip to any one of four Funworld sites! These sites are "Tundra Funworld," "Desert Funworld," "Aquatic Funworld," and "Tropical Forest Funworld." You need to pack to go on the trip. But what should you take? Should you pack shorts or a parka? Will you need ice skates or scuba gear?
Give your students paper dolls and catalogs or magazines. Ask each student to identify the Funworld site he or she would like to visit. Instruct them to cut out clothes and accessories from the catalogs that would be appropriate for their trip. Then tell them to dress their paper dolls for the Funworld sites they chose. They might need tape to secure the clothing.
Reflection Students can put on a play using their paper dolls as the cast. They can dress them appropriately and demonstrate with them the outdoor activities that they can do at their Funworld site. Students should explain why they chose the clothes and accessories that they did. They can even turn their play into a commercial for this vacation spot!
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